Word-Thought Associations

So I found this fun Random Word Generator site the other day. It generates a random word, looks up its dictionary meaning and pulls up the first google image result yielded by the word. My first word generated was Artisan- 
1. One who professes and practices some liberal art; an  artist. [Obs.]
2. One trained to manual dexterity in some mechanic art or  trade; and handicraftsman; a mechanic.  [1913 Webster]

Of course this post has neither to do with the word definition nor the generated picture because, for some reason, when I hear/see "Artisan" I think "Courtesan". I just do. So in this particular scenario, my thought process was as follows-

Artisan........Courtesan..........Mughal-E-Azaam.........No wait, I mean Umrao Jaan......Still haven't seen the original.........Recent version was not great but I did cry at the end...........
Ha! I am such an emotional pushover........That Hrithik-Saif-Esha movie called.............Anyway, what a terrible movie.........Yet, Hrithik sacrifices love- tears..........Saif tells Hrithik sacrifice was unnecessary- more tears.......Hrithik-Esha reunited, love heals the world- Cry baby on the loose!......By the way, K-Jo movie maranthon- never again!*........
Why is it that I watch a movie or read something like harry potter and cry like there is no tommorow...........But, strangely, real life events hardly get me to shed a tear........I mean, it is sad, depressing, heart breaking even.....I should cry, but my eyes remain dry..........
.............Hey, what's the next word?


(.....Aah, Sounds of Music.....Thoughts for another post)

* Yes, it seems my mind does love its exclamation marks.
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