
Oh my God, Chadni Chowk to China has got to be a hoax! You got me Ashton, you may come out now!
Did anyone else feel a sense of detachment from behind the camera? I'm probably just fishing because I'm biased towards Nikhil Advani. Disillusionment with his last venture (which I absolutely adore) had him not really caring about what was being shot? The pay was just too good to pass up? There has got to be some explanation....
chandni chowk to china

It probably didn't help that I watched Chadni right after Dev D either. Brilliant, Dev D was! Which reminds me- is there a reason there were so many (okay 2 or 3) big full-lipped people in the movie. Or is that just me not paying attention to the more important going-ons (goings-on/goings-ons?) on screen?

Random indian-cinema-related thought of the day: Soulja boy (of the superman song fame) has a song called kiss me through the phone? Hmm, methinks he has been watching some bollywood, etc, on the sly.

*Source: Chandni Chowk To China Movie Stills
2 Responses
  1. LOL at waiting for Ashton to come out.... I really liked Salaam-e-Ishq and can still not understand how Advani made such an awful film after it. My friend dragged me out of the cinema 20 minutes into it - she had had enough...

  2. Lucky you! I kept thinking "Ashton is going to jump out screaming punk'd...any moment now...ok, now...soon...very soon...where is he?...huh, it's over? But...but..."

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