Company- Musings & Rants

Okay, so I finally watched Company. While it didn't have me raving, I quite enjoyed the movie. Here are some of my thoughts during (but not necessarily about) the movie-

finally watching company- um, filmfare, chandu/vivek does not seem like a supporting character to me.....Sun Apr 18 00:59:26 via web

Chalo, he'll have been up against Aamir Khan that year so I guess an award for the wrong category is better than losing for the right oneSun Apr 18 01:04:14 via web

Oh MY!

Who knew Abhishek was so tall...

Word-Thought Associations

So I found this fun Random Word Generator site the other day. It generates a random word, looks up its dictionary meaning and pulls up the first google image result yielded by the word. My first word generated was Artisan- 
1. One who professes and practices some liberal art; an  artist. [Obs.]
2. One trained to manual dexterity in some mechanic art or  trade; and handicraftsman; a mechanic.  [1913 Webster]

Of course this post has neither to do with the word definition nor the generated picture because, for some reason, when I hear/see "Artisan" I think "Courtesan". I just do. So in this particular scenario, my thought process was as follows-

I speak English....Do I?

The following are sentences on random thought. Fill in the blanks using one of the options in parenthesis. If you feel no addition is necessary, leave the gap blank. You may also reword the sentences as needed. Please correct all spelling errors.