JaanEmann- Then & Now

So, this strike has got me watching and re-watching lots of movies, sometimes with positive results.

I first saw JaanEmann about 2 years ago. It was one of the first movies seen in my bollywood rediscovery period. I didn't quite like it at the time, couldn't really pinpoint why. The initial wannabe-ness of the characters, maybe?


Oh my God, Chadni Chowk to China has got to be a hoax! You got me Ashton, you may come out now!

Lost and Found

The first time I saw Rab ne, I watched it without subtitles. Now, my hindi is not quite to the point where I can translate each scene line for line, so i was able to convince myself that Tanni must have recognised her husband (or at least the semblance) at some point before the climax. I (as well as the rest of the world) just happened to blink and miss it. Re-watching it with subtitles, I kept looking for that missing scene. Unable to find it, I decided to insert it myself.